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Installing SANtricity Storage Manager.SANtricity Storage Manager version by NetApp, Inc - How to uninstall it

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  Syntax clear storageArray recoveryMode Parameters None. About this task See the Windows Host Utilities 7. The drawers slide out of the drive tray to provide access to the drives. For a high-capacity drive tray, you must specify the identifier ID of the drive tray, the ID of the drawer, and the ID of the slot in which a drive resides. Once the package has been uploaded you will need to install it.    


- Santricity storage manager download windows


When you enter an individual script command, you embed the script command in a CLI command. When you run a file of script commands, you embed the file name in the CLI command. For questions about available features, contact your NetApp account representative. To access this product, go to the NetApp Support Site at support. The script commands configure and manage the storage array. If you enter an incomplete or inaccurate SMcli string that does not have the correct syntax, parameter names, options, or terminals, the script engine returns usage information.

Interactive mode lets you run individual commands without prefixing the commands with SMcli. In interactive mode, you can enter a single command, view the results, and enter the next command without typing the complete SMcli string. Interactive mode is useful for determining configuration errors and quickly testing configuration changes. To end an interactive mode session, type the operating system-specific command for terminating a program, such as Control-C on the UNIX operating system or the Windows operating system.

Typing the termination command Control-C while in interactive mode turns off interactive mode and returns operation of the command prompt to an input mode that requires you to type the complete SMcli string.

The general syntax forms show the terminals and the parameters that are used in each command wrapper. The conventions used in the CLI command wrapper syntax are listed in the following table. Convention Definition a b Alternative "a" or "b" italicized-words A terminal that needs user input to fulfill a parameter a response to a variable [ Some CLI commands will run without administrator privileges.

Many commands, however, will not run. If Formatting the commands 15 the CLI command does not run because you do not have correct privileges, the CLI returns an exit code of If you do not follow the -A terminal with a host-name-or-IP-address, auto-discovery scans the local subnet for storage arrays. End each command with a semicolon ;. You cannot place more than one -c terminal on the same command line. You can include more than one script command after the -c terminal. The file content has this format: storage-system-name host-name1 host-name2 -e Runs the commands without performing a syntax check first.

Formatting the commands 17 Terminal Definition -f lowercase Specifies a file name that contains script commands that you want to run on the specified storage array. The -f terminal is similar to the -c terminal in that both terminals are intended for running script commands. The -c terminal runs individual script commands. The -f terminal runs a file of script commands. By default, any errors that are encountered when running the script commands in a file are ignored, and the file continues to run.

Do not use the -g terminal if a userdata. You can specify the frequency for the email deliveries using the -q terminal. Use the -i terminal with the -d terminal. The file content has this format: storage-system-name IP-address1 IPaddress2 -m Specifies the host name or the IP address of the email server from which email alert notifications are sent. This name is optional when you use a host-name-or-IPaddress. If you are using the in-band method for managing the storage array, you must use the -n terminal if more than one storage array is connected to the host at the specified address.

The storage array name is required when the host-name-or-IP-address is not used. The name of the storage array that is configured for use in the Enterprise Management Window that is, the name is listed in the configuration file must not be a duplicate name of any other configured storage array. All output from commands that are not script commands is sent to stdout, regardless of whether this terminal is set.

A password is not necessary if a password has not been set on the storage array. If you set a monitor password for the storage array, the use of the -p parameter is mandatory. Users cannot run any of the non-destructive commands such as the show commands. An email alert notification containing at least the basic event information is always generated for every critical event. Using the -I terminal you can specify the type of information in the email alert notifications.

Reduces the amount of time that is required to run a single-line operation. An example of a single-line operation is the recreate snapshot volume command. This terminal reduces time by not running background processes for the duration of the command. Do not use this terminal for operations that involve more than one singleline operation.

Extensive use of this command can overrun the controller with more commands than the controller can process, which causes operational failure. Also, status updates and configuration updates that are collected usually from background processes will not be available to the CLI. This terminal causes operations that depend on background information to fail.

Formatting the commands 19 Terminal Definition -R uppercase Defines the user role for the password. The -R parameter is valid only when used with the —p parameter, which specifies that you define a password for a storage array. The -R parameter is required only if the dual password feature is enabled on the storage array. Suppresses informational messages describing the command progress that appear when you run script commands.

Suppressing informational messages is also called silent mode. This terminal is an alternate to the -n terminal. Use the -w terminal with the -d terminal to show the WWIDs of the known storage arrays.

Shows usage information about the CLI commands. AutoSupport bundle collection commands AutoSupport ASUP is a feature that enables storage arrays to automatically collect support data into a customer support bundle and send the data to technical support. ASUP collects support data to report configuration, subsystem status, and exceptions in near-real time.

All of the data gathered is collected into a single compressed archive file format 7z. Users can then manually send the support bundles to technical support. ASUP operations and legacy support bundle operations are mutually exclusive on a given storage array. When you turn on ASUP you automatically disable legacy support bundle collection.

If you want to run legacy support bundle collection, you must turn off ASUP. Once turned on, ASUP automatically reports configuration, subsystem status, and exceptions in near-real time. The storage management software automatically assigns the schedule for each storage array it has discovered. The ASUP backend provides near-real time access to the messages by technical support.

All of the storage arrays being managed that are ASUP capable can be enabled or disabled using the commands. As shown in the table, these are the complete commands. The two set commands are script commands that you can use to turn on or turn off ASUP for individual storage arrays.

The log file is available for all ASUP-enabled storage arrays. As the current log file reaches a size limit of KB, the current log file is archived and a new log file is created. Enclose the object identifiers in square brackets for example, volumes [sales engineering marketing]. A qualifier is required if you want to include additional information to describe the objects.

The object type and the identifiers that are associated with each object type are listed in this table. In the syntax, it is shown in italic such as trayID or volumeGroupName. Synopsis of the script commands Because you can use the script commands to define and manage the different aspects of a storage array such as host topology, drive configuration, controller configuration, volume definitions, and volume group definitions , the actual number of commands is extensive.

The commands, however, fall into general categories that are reused when you apply the commands to configure or maintain a storage array. The following table lists the general form of the script commands and a definition of each command. Syntax Description Performs the pending operation. Automatically creates a configuration that is based on the parameters that are specified in the command. Starts an operation to report on errors in the object, which is a synchronous operation. Discards the contents of some attributes of an object.

This operation is destructive and cannot be reversed. Creates an object of the specified type. Sets a feature to operate. This command is functionally similar to the download command. You can change the parameters before the operation is restarted. This command is similar to the create command. Removes a relationship between objects. Returns the hardware or an object to an initial state.

The operation starts where it left off when it was suspended. Use this command only as part of an error recovery procedure. Writes information about the object to a file. All changes are completed when the command returns. Shows information about the object. You can stop some operations after they have started. You can query the progress of some operations.

Stops an asynchronous operation. You can then restart the suspended operation, and it continues from the point where it was suspended. Recurring syntax elements Recurring syntax elements are a general category of parameters and options that you can use in the script commands.

The following table lists the conventions used in the recurring syntax elements. Low-density trays require two values. High-density trays, those trays that have drawers, require three values. SSD means solid state disk. Do not specify the RAID level or the drives with the volume group. Do not set a value for the trayLossProtect parameter when you specify a volume group.

Specifying all includes all of the cache backup devices availble to the entire storage array. For RAID 6 volume groups, no more than two drives must be in each tray. For a disk pool, no more than two drives must be in each tray. When the storage array is automatically selecting drives for a volume group or a disk pool, if the trayLossProtect parameter is set to TRUE , the storage array returns an error if the controller firmware cannot find drives that will enable the new volume group or the new disk pool to have tray loss protection.

If the trayLossProtect parameter is set to FALSE , the storage array performs the operation even if it means that the volume group or disk pool might not have tray loss protection.

For RAID 6 volume groups, no more than two drives must be in each drawer. For a disk pool, no more than two drives must be in each drawer. If you have a storage array configuration in which a volume group spans several trays, you must make sure that the setting for drawer loss protection works with the setting for tray loss protection. You can have drawer loss protection without tray loss protection. You cannot have tray loss protection without drawer loss protection.

If the trayLossProtect parameter and the drawerLossProtect parameter are not set to the same value, the storage array returns an error message and a storage array configuration will not be created. The driveType parameter is not required if only one type of drive is in the storage array.

If you use the driveType parameter, you also must use the hotSpareCount parameter and the volumeGroupWidth parameter. If you do not use the driveType parameter, the configuration defaults to Fibre Channel drives.

Using the dataAssurance parameter, you can specify that protected drives must be selected for a volume group. You cannot have a mix of drives that are capable of data assurance and drives that are not capable of data assurance in the volume group. All of the volumes are also set to the security setting that you choose. To create a storage array security key, use the create storageArray securityKey command. If you do not use unique names, the controller firmware returns an error. In some usages, you must also surround the name with square brackets [ ].

The description of each parameter indicates whether you need to enclose a parameter in double quotation marks, square brackets, or both. In other uses, you must surround the WWID with angle brackets. Entering numerical names When the storage management software automatically configures a storage array, the storage management software assigns names that consist of numerical characters. Names that consist only of numerical characters are valid names.

Numerical character names, however, must be treated differently than names that start with alphabetic characters. Using both makes sure that the name will work, but will not cause any processing issues. Formatting CLI commands Double quotation marks " " that are used as part of a name or label require special consideration when you run the CLI commands and the script commands on a Microsoft Windows operating system.

You cannot use double quotation marks " " as part of a character string also called string literal within a script command. Case sensitivity — The script commands are not case sensitive. You can type the script commands in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case. In the following command descriptions, mixed case is used as an aid to reading the command names and understanding the purpose of the command.

Spaces — You must enter spaces in the script commands as they are shown in the command descriptions. The description of each parameter tells you if you need to enclose a parameter value in square brackets. Parentheses — Parentheses shown in the command syntax enclose specific choices for a parameter. That is, if you want to use the parameter, you must enter one of the values enclosed in parentheses. Generally, you do not include parentheses in a script command; however, in some instances, when you enter lists, you must enclose the list in parentheses.

Such a list might be a list of tray ID values and slot ID values. The description of each parameter tells you if you need to enclose a parameter value in parentheses. A high-capacity drive tray has drawers that hold the drives. The drawers slide out of the drive tray to provide access to the drives.

A low-capacity drive tray does not have drawers. For a high-capacity drive tray, you must specify the identifier ID of the drive tray, the ID of the drawer, and the ID of the slot in which a drive resides. For a low-capacity drive tray, you need only specify the ID of the drive tray and the ID of the slot in which a drive resides. For a lowcapacity drive tray, an alternative method for identifying a location for a drive is to specify the ID of the drive tray, set the ID of the drawer to 0, and specify the ID of the slot in which a drive resides.

Formatting the commands 35 Separate the ID values with a comma. If you enter more than one set of ID values, separate each set of values with a space.

Enclose the set of values in parentheses. For example: 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 or, for a high-capacity drive tray, this example: 1,1,1 1,2,2 1,3,3 1,4,4 2,1,1 2,2,2 2,3,3 2,4,4 Italicized terms — Italicized terms in the command indicate a value or information that you need to provide. For example, when you encounter the italicized term: numberOfDrives Replace the italicized term with a value for the number of drives that you want to include with the script command. Semicolon — Script commands must end with a semicolon ;.

You can enter more than one script command on the command line or in a script file. For example, a semicolon is used to separate each script command in the following script file. The Windows PowerShell improves upon the Windows Command Prompt with a more robust set of commands and scripting capability. Note the use of the single quotation marks as delimiters for the script command and the backslash double quotation marks around the storage array name, identified as userLabel in the command syntax.

Note the use of the backslash double quotation marks before the file path to the premium feature key. This use is to help make clear how the commands are formatted. The Windows PowerShell is, however, not case sensitive and does not require the use specific cases.

You can enter commands by using uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or mixed-case letters. For information about how to add comments, see Adding comments to a script file on page Note: While the CLI commands and the script commands are not case sensitive, user labels such as for volumes, hosts, or host ports are case sensitive. If you try to map to an object that is identified by a user label, you must enter the user label exactly as it is defined, or the CLI commands and the script commands will fail.

Detailed error reporting Data collected from an error encountered by the CLI is written to a file. Special command line options are not required to save the error data. Depending on the return code, the CLI also might write additional information about which terminal caused the error. The CLI also writes information about what it was expecting in the command syntax to help you identify any syntax errors that you might have entered.

When an exception occurs while a command is running, the CLI captures the error. At the end of processing the command after the command processing information has been written to the command line , the CLI automatically saves the error information to a file.

The name of the file to which error information is saved is excprpt. The CLI tries to place the excprpt. If for any reason the CLI cannot place the file in the directory specified by devmgr.

You cannot change the file name or the location. The excprpt. If you want to save the information in the excprpt. Exit status This table lists the exit statuses that might be returned and the meaning of each status. Status Value Meaning 0 The command terminated without an error. Information about the error also appears. This exit status indicates that you do not have privileges for running a CLI command from the command line.

You must have administrator privileges to run all of the CLI commands from a command line. Use a valid role and retry the operation.

Please retry this operation again. Adding comments to a script file The script engine looks for certain characters or a command to show comments. If the script engine does not find an end-of-line character in the script after processing a comment, an error message appears, and the script operation is terminated. This error usually occurs when a comment is placed at the end of a script and you have forgotten to press the Enter key. If the script engine does not find both a starting comment notation and an ending comment notation, an error message appears, and the script operation is terminated.

The script commands in the following sections list the minimum firmware levels under which the script commands can run. Note: The minimum controller firmware level indicates support by the software that releases the command, as well as support by all storage management software that picks up usage. CLI support capabilities depend on the hardware used. When an unsupported command is entered, an error message appears. Examples of firmware compatibility levels The create hostGroup command has the following section.

Minimum firmware level 5. The show volume command has the following section. The summary parameter runs under a minimum of controller firmware version 5. Some commands can immediately delete configurations or data. Before using the script commands, make sure that you have backed up all data, and have saved the current configuration so that you can reinstall it if the changes you make do not work. The description of each script command is intended to provide all of the information that you need to be able to use the command.

Important: Terminology differences — The names of components and features change from time to time; however, the command syntax does not change at the same time. You will notice minor differences between the terminology used to describe components and features and the terminology used in the syntax to describe those same items when used in a command name, a parameter, or a variable.

After you activate the Asynchronous Mirroring feature, you must set up an asynchronous mirror group and an asynchronous mirrored pair. Minimum firmware level 7. Enclose the name in double quotation marks " ". MEL validation still occurs; it is not bypassed. If the MEL check fails, you can bypass the failure by using this parameter when running the command. Before any activation, the controller checks the event log to determine if an event has occurred that might prevent the new controller firmware from successfully activating.

If such an event has occurred, the controller will normally not activate new firmware. This parameter forces the controller to activate new firmware.

Set this value to TRUE if you want to force the controller to activate new controller firmware. Minimum firmware level 6. Activate synchronous mirroring This command creates the mirror repository volume and activates the synchronous mirroring feature.

Note: In previous versions of this command the feature identifier was remoteMirror. This feature identifier is no longer valid and is replaced by syncMirror. For highcapacity drive trays, specify the tray ID value, the drawer ID value, and the slot ID value for each drive that you assign to the mirror repository volume. For low-capacity drive trays, specify the tray ID value and the slot ID value for each drive that you assign to the mirror repository volume.

Tray ID values are 0 to Drawer ID values are 1 to 5. Slot ID values are 1 to Enclose the volume group name in double quotation marks " ". To determine the names of the volume groups in your storage array, run the show storageArray profile command. Free capacity is defined as the free capacity between existing volumes in a volume group.

For example, a volume group might have the following areas: volume 1, free capacity, volume 2, free capacity, volume 3, free capacity. To enforce tray loss protection, set this parameter to TRUE.

To enforce drawer loss protection, set this parameter to TRUE. When you use this parameter, only protected drives can be used for the volume group. The volume group supports protected information and is formatted with protection information enabled. Notes The repositoryDrives parameter supports both high-capacity drive trays and low-capacity drive trays. For a highcapacity drive tray, you must specify the identifier ID of the drive tray, the ID of the drawer, and the ID of the slot in which a drive resides.

For a low-capacity drive tray, an alternative method for identifying a location for a drive is to specify the ID of the drive tray, set the ID of the drawer to 0 , and specify the ID of the slot in which a drive resides. If the drives that you select for the repositoryDrives parameter are not compatible with other parameters such as the repositoryRAIDLevel parameter , the script command returns an error, and Synchronous Mirroring is not activated.

The error returns the amount of space that is needed for Command reference 55 the mirror repository volume. You can then re-enter the command, and specify the appropriate amount of space.

If you enter a value for the repository storage space that is too small for the mirror repository volumes, the controller firmware returns an error message that provides the amount of space that is needed for the mirror repository volumes. The command does not try to activate Synchronous Mirroring. You can re-enter the command by using the value from the error message for the repository storage space value. When you assign the drives, if you set the trayLossProtect parameter to TRUE and have selected more than one drive from any one tray, the storage array returns an error.

If you set the trayLossProtect parameter to FALSE , the storage array performs operations, but the volume group that you create might not have tray loss protection. When the controller firmware assigns the drives, if you set the trayLossProtect parameter to TRUE , the storage array returns an error if the controller firmware cannot provide drives that result in the new volume group having tray loss protection. If you set the trayLossProtect parameter to FALSE , the storage array performs the operation even if it means that the volume group might not have tray loss protection.

The drawerLossProtect parameter determines whether data on a volume is accessible if a drawer fails. When you assign the drives, if you set the drawerLossProtect parameter to TRUE and select more than one drive from any one drawer, the storage array returns an error. If you set the drawerLossProtect parameter to FALSE , the storage array performs operations, but the volume group that you create might not have drawer loss protection.

You must set the trayLossProtect parameter and the drawerLossProtect parameter to the same value. If the trayLossProtect parameter and the drawerLossProtect parameter are set to different values, the storage array returns an error. Enclose the name in square brackets [ ]. If the SSD cache name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets.

You can specify an existing existing repository volume for the new consistency group member, or create a new repository volume. When you create a new repository volume, you identify an existing volume group or an existing disk pool where you want the repository volume. The new member volume is the base volume for snapshot operations. Enclose the consistency group name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets [ ]. Enclose the volume name in double quotation marks " ".

If the specified volume is an existing repository volume or an existing snapshot volume, the command fails. Names can have a maximum of 30 characters. A consistency group is a collection of base volumes that are the source volumes for snapshots. You collect the base volumes in a consistency group so that you can perform the same snapshot operations on each of the base volumes.

In the context of this command, the term member means a base volume for snapshot operations. You can manipulate snapshot images associated with members of a consistency group through batch-style operations, while maintaining consistency across the snapshot images. Each member volume must have a corresponding repository volume. You can define the relationship between the member volume and the repository volume using the repositoryVolume parameter.

When you run the command without the repositoryVolume parameter, the command creates a new repository volume in the volume group or disk pool in which all the other repository volumes are stored. You might want to do this if you want to maintain a particular sequence or relationship for the repository volumes. To determine the name of the repository volume use the show allVolumes summary command. You are not required to have the repository volume in the same location as other repository volumes.

To place the repository volume in a volume group or a disk pool of your choice, use the repositoryVolume parameter and identify the volume group or the disk pool and a size for the repository volume. The capacity parameter defines the size that you want for the repository volume group.

When you create a new repository volume in either a volume group or a disk pool, you must include parentheses around the volume group name and capacity, or the disk pool name and capacity.

This command is valid only on the local storage array that contains the asynchronous mirror group to which you want to add the primary volume. An asynchronous mirror group has a repository volume that is used to save data for all of the point-in-time images that are part of the asynchronous mirror group. Each primary volume in the asynchronous mirror group has a corresponding mirror volume on a remote storage array.

Enclose the asynchronous mirror group name in double quotation marks " ". Command reference 59 Parameter Description remotePassword This parameter is optional. Use this parameter when the remote storage array is password protected. Enclose the password in double quotation marks " ". If you want to create a new repository volume when you run this command you must enter the name of either a a volume group or a disk pool in which you want the repository volume.

Optionally, you also can define the capacity of the repository volume. If you do not define the capacity, the storage management software sets the capacity to 20 percent of the primary volume capacity. The storage management software creates the repository volume and links the repository volume to the primary volume.

The volume on the remote storage array will be used as the mirror volume. Before you enter the autoConfigure storageArray command, run the show storageArray autoConfiguration command. The show storageArray autoConfiguration command returns configuration information in the form of a list of valid drive types, RAID levels, volume information, and hot spare information. This list corresponds to the parameters for the autoConfigure storageArray command.

The controllers audit the storage array and then determine the highest RAID level that the storage array can support and the most efficient volume definition for the RAID level. If the configuration that is described by the returned list is acceptable, you can enter the autoConfigure storageArray command without any parameters. If you want to modify the configuration, you can change the parameters to meet your configuration requirements.

You can change a single parameter or all of the parameters. After you enter the autoConfigure storageArray command, the controllers set up the storage array by using either the default parameters or those you selected.

You must use this parameter when you have more than one type of drive in your storage array. Command reference 61 Parameter Description driveMediaType The type of drive media that you want to use for the storage array. You must use this parameter when you have more than one type of drive media in your storage array. The default value is hdd. Use integer values. Valid values are 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , , , or To turn on cache read prefetch, set this parameter to TRUE.

Valid values range from 0 to Note: This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of storage management software. For best operation use the cacheReadPrefetch parameter. The volume group will be comprised of volumes that may or may not have data assurance, depending on the availability of data assurance enabled drives.

Data Assurance is enabled on volumes created on volume groups that support data assurance. If only data assurance drives are available, the volume groups will be data assurance enabled.

Notes Drives and volume groups A volume group is a set of drives that are logically grouped together by the controllers in the storage array. The number of drives in a volume group is a limitation of the RAID level and the controller firmware. Not applicable 1 Hot spares Hot spare drives can replace any failed drive in the storage array. The hot spare must be the same type of drive as the drive that failed that is, a SAS hot spare cannot replace a Fibre Channel drive.

A hot spare must have capacity greater than or equal to any drive that can fail. If a hot spare is smaller than a failed drive, you cannot use the hot spare to rebuild the data from the failed drive. Segment size The size of a segment determines how many data blocks that the controller writes on a single drive in a volume before writing data on the next drive.

Each data block stores bytes of data. A data block is the smallest unit of storage. The size of a segment determines how many data blocks that it contains.

For example, an 8-KB segment holds 16 data blocks. A KB segment holds data blocks. When you enter a value for the segment size, the value is checked against the supported values that are provided by the controller at run time. If the value that you entered is not valid, the controller returns a list of valid values. Using a single drive for a single request leaves other drives available to simultaneously service other requests. If the volume is in an environment where a single user is transferring large units of data such as multimedia , performance is maximized when a single data transfer request is serviced with a single data stripe.

A data stripe is the segment size that is multiplied by the number of drives in the volume group that are used for data transfers. In this case, multiple drives are used for the same request, but each drive is accessed only once. For optimal performance in a multiuser database or file system storage environment, set your segment size to minimize the number of drives that are required to satisfy a data transfer request.

Cache read prefetch Cache read prefetch lets the controller copy additional data blocks into cache while the controller reads and copies data blocks that are requested by the host from the drive into cache. This action increases the chance that a future request for data can be fulfilled from cache. Cache read prefetch is important for multimedia applications that use sequential data transfers. Security type The securityType parameter is valid for drives that are capable of full disk encryption FDE.

The Drive Security feature encrypts data as the data is written to the drive and decrypts the data as the data is read from the drive. Without the key created by the controller, the data written to the drive is inaccessible. Before you can set the securityType parameter to capable or enabled , you must create a storage array security key.

Use the create storageArray securityKey command to create a storage array security key. Autoconfigure storage array hot spares This command automatically defines and configures the hot spares in a storage array. You can run this command at any time. This command provides the best hot spare coverage for a storage array. Notes When you run the autoconfigure storageArray hotSpares command, the controller firmware determines the number of hot spares to create based on the total number and type of drives in the storage array.

For Fibre Channel drives, SATA drives, and SAS drives, the controller firmware creates one hot spare for the storage array and one additional hot spare for every 60 drives in the storage array. Syntax stop asyncMirrorGroup [asyncMirrorGroupName] rolechange Parameter Parameter Description asyncMirrorGroup The name of the asynchronous mirror group for which or which you want to cancel the pending role reversal operation.

Enclose the asynchronous mirror group name in square brackets [ ]. If the asynchronous mirror group name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets. The application type can be web server, database, or multimedia. Changing the application type changes the block size, subblock size, populate on read threshold, and populate on write threshold for the volumes underlying the SSD cache.

Enclose the SSD cache name in square brackets [ ]. If the SSD cache name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you must enclose the SSD cache name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets. Valid values are webServer , dataBase , or fileSystem.

This command applies to an asynchronous mirror group that has underlying repository volumes. If the asynchronous mirror group name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets.

You can specify a local volume that is either the source or the destination on a mirror relationship. If the local volume name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets.

Enclose the file name in double quotation marks " ". Notes The report generated by this command is intended for use by technical support to analyze problems. The command produces a report based on analysis of the data in the repository. Enclose the snapshot group name in square brackets [ ]. If the snapshot group name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets.

Enclose the snapshot volume name in square brackets [ ]. If the snapshot volume name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets. Enclose the thin volume name in square brackets [ ]. If the thin volume name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets. If the volume name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets.

Enclose the local volume name in double quotation marks " ". Before creating an asynchronous mirror group, you should check whether the local storage array and the remote storage array can communicate with each other.

When you execute this command, the system queries for the remote storage array on all eligible host ports to determine what ports are connected to the remote storage array. The result of the test is a list of all ports on the local storage array along with a list of the remote storage array port addresses accessible through that port.

Note: Connectivity is tested using all possible channels, and if it is a dual controller configuration, connectivity is checked from each controller. It might take up to 20 minutes to check connectivity between two storage arrays.

Enclose the storage array name in double quotation marks " ". You can use the WWID instead of the storage array name to identify the storage array. Enclose the WWID in angle brackets. Notes Before a mirror can be established between two storage arrays, they must be connected through a Fibre Channel connection or an iSCSI connection.

Fibre Channel asynchronous mirroring must be activated on both storage arrays before they can communicate with each other for mirroring or connectivity checking. If the local storage array supports Fibre Channel and mirroring over Fibre Channel has been activated, connectivity over Fibre Channel is checked.

If the local storage array does not support iSCSI or Fibre Channel, an error message is displayed and the operation aborted. Use this command to determine when the status of the remote-mirror volume becomes Optimal. The remote-mirror volume can be the primary volume or the secondary volume of a remote mirrored pair.

Enclose the volume name in square brackets [ ]. If the volume name has special characters, you must enclose the volume name in double quotation marks " ". The timeout value is in minutes. Notes This command waits until the status becomes Optimal or the timeout interval expires. Use this command when you run the Asynchronous Synchronous Mirroring utility. For more information, see the topic "Asynchronous Synchronous Mirroring Utility. If the volume name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you must enclose the identifier in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets.

You must specify a file extension when entering the file name. Valid values are highest , high , medium , low , or lowest. To capture progress details, set this parameter to TRUE.

Notes The starting logical block address and the ending logical block address are useful for very large single-volume LUNs. Running a volume parity check on a very large single volume LUN can take a long time. By defining the beginning address and ending address of the data blocks, you can reduce the time that a volume parity check takes to complete.

An asynchronous mirror group and its member volumes can encounter asynchronous mirroring "sticky" faults, which occur at a single point-in-time but do not impact the functionality of the mirrors. These type of faults must be reviewed, but might not require any changes to the configuration. Command reference 71 An asynchronous mirror group and its member volumes might or can have more than one associated sticky fault.

This command clears all of the faults associated with the asynchronous mirror group and its member volume. However, if an asynchronous mirror group has a fault and one of its member volumes has a fault, clearing the fault on the asynchronous mirror group does not clear the fault on its member volume.

The name of the specific member volume in an asynchronous mirror group from which you want to clear the asynchronous mirroring fault. Enclose the member volume name in square brackets [ ]. If the volume name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks " " inside square brackets. Syntax clear allDriveChannels stats Parameters None.

Syntax clear storageArray configuration all volumeGroups Parameters Parameter Description None If you do not enter a parameter, this command removes all configuration information for the storage array, except for information related to security and identification.

Command reference 73 Parameter Description all The setting to remove the entire configuration of the storage array, including security information and identification information. Removing all configuration information returns the storage array to its initial state.

The rest of the configuration stays intact. Notes With this command you can clear the configuration of the storage array in a number of different ways. When you clear the storage array for volume groups, Recovery mode automatically starts. In recovery mode, onboard cache backups if they exist on the platform are retained. When the storage array is in recovery mode, you can, optionally, restore the storage array configuration from a host-based backup file or from one of the onboard cache backups.

When you run this command, the storage array becomes unresponsive, and all script processing is canceled. You must remove and re-add the storage array to resume communication with the host. Clear storage array controller health image Note: With firmware version 8. This command sets a flag on a controller to allow a new controller health image to overwrite an existing controller health image.

This setting persists for 48 hours. If a new controller health image occurs during that period the new controller health image is saved to the controller cache and overwrites any previous controller health image data in cache. You can use the set storageArray controllerHealthImageAllowOverWrite command to set the controller flag so that a new controller health image will overwrite any previous controller health image.

Without retrieving a controller health image, this command sets the flag as if you had. Clear storage array event log This command clears the Event Log in the storage array by deleting the data in the Event Log buffer. Attention: Possible damage to the storage array configuration — As soon as you run this command, the existing Event Log in the storage array is deleted. Syntax clear storageArray eventLog Parameters None.

Attention: Possible damage to the storage array configuration — As soon as you run this command, the contents of the existing pending area in the storage array are deleted. Syntax clear storageArray recoveryMode Parameters None. Notes Recovery mode is entered during start-of-day operations when the system configuration is cleared and a valid on board backup is available.

This mode is exited by either restoring the system configuration from a backup location, or by clearing the existing on board backups. While recovery mode is in force, a needs attention condition is raised and the Recovery Guru is available from the user interface. However, the system configuration is empty during recovery mode. Syntax clear allVolumes volume [volumeName] volumes ["volumeName1" Notes You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the names.

You must run this command from a command line. You cannot run this command from the script editor in the storage management software This command enables or disables the automatic collection of support bundles on one or more storage arrays when a critical MEL event is detected. Notes If automatic support bundle collection is enabled on all storage arrays, storage arrays that are discovered later will have their support bundles collected.

If automatic support bundle is enabled for all storage arrays and later automatic support bundle collection is disabled on one or more storage arrays, then storage arrays that are discovered later will not have their support bundles collected. A maximum of four snapshots legacy can be converted to a snapshot group. The snapshots legacy must be in a Disabled state and must not be involved in a volume copy operation.

The base volume can have only four snapshots legacy. If the base volume has more than four snapshots legacy , you must delete the extra snapshots legacy before running this command. Note: You must disable any snapshots legacy before attempting to convert from a snapshot legacy volume to a snapshot group. Use the disableSnapshot command to disable a snapshot legacy. Enclose the base volume name in double quotation marks " ". An asynchronous mirror group is a container that can house several mirrored pairs so that they can be managed as one entity.

You create an asynchronous mirror group to define the synchronization settings for all mirrored pairs within the group. Each mirrored pair in an asynchronous mirror group share the same synchronization settings, primary and secondary role, and write mode.

The asynchronous mirror group is associated with the local storage array and remote storage array that is used for mirroring. The local storage array is the primary side of the asynchronous mirror group, while the remote storage array is the secondary side of the asynchronous mirror group. All volumes added to the asynchronous mirror group on the local storage array hold the primary role in the mirror relationship.

Subsequently, all volumes added to the asynchronous mirror group on the remote storage array hold the secondary role in the mirror relationship. Make sure that you execute the Create Asynchronous Mirror Group command on the local storage array. Asynchronous mirror group creation is initiated from the storage array that contains the volumes that hold the primary role in the mirror relationship.

You use the Create Asynchronous Mirror Group command to specify the identity of the remote storage array that contains the volumes that hold the secondary role in the mirror relationship. Enclose the new asynchronous mirror group name in double quotation marks " ". The name must be unique on the local and remote storage arrays. The remote storage array must have the same connection type as the local storage array. The default is Fibre Channel. The local storage array and the remote storage array must be connected through a proper Fibre Channel fabric or iSCSI interface.

You can specify the length of time in minutes, hours, or days. Define the threshold from the end of the previous update. Note: You must set the Recovery Point Threshold to be twice as large as the synchronization interval threshold. You do not need to do anything further to resynchronize the primary volume and the secondary volume.

To resynchronize the primary volume and the secondary volume, you must run the resume asyncMirrorGroup command. If a password was not previously set, you do not need a password.

The password can be any combination of a alphanumeric characters with a maximum of 30 characters. You can define a storage array password by using the set storageArray command.

Only mirrored pairs can be added to an asynchronous mirror group. Each mirrored pair is associated with exactly one asynchronous mirror group. Periodic point-in-time images are replicated as only the changed data is copied and not the entire volume. This command creates a new, empty consistency group that can contain snapshot groups. You must add the snapshot groups using the set consistencyGroup addCGMember command. Enclose the new consistency group name in double quotation marks " ".

You can choose to fail writes to the base volume failBaseWrites or delete purge the snapshot images purgeSnapImages. The default action is purgeSnapImages. For example, a value of 70 means 70 percent. The default value is When this option is enabled, then any time a new snapshot image is created in the snapshot group, the system automatically deletes the oldest snapshot image in the group to comply with the limit value.

This action frees repository capacity so it can be used to satisfy ongoing copy-on-write requirements for the remaining snapshot images. To turn on snapshot scheduling, set this parameter to TRUE. Notes A consistency group is a logical entity that enables you to manage in batch form all of the snapshot images that you add to the collection. The consistency group is a collection of snapshot groups that have mutual consistency requirements or dependencies for their snapshot images. Any snapshot images that you create and use for this collection must be managed in accordance with the consistency dependencies.

The snapshot images in a consistency group can be deduced based on the existence of a snapshot image within a consistency group. All snapshot images that reside within a consistency group share a common time stamp and sequence number. If creation of the snapshot images cannot be completed successfully for all of the consistency group members, the operation fails and has no affect that is, new snapshot images are not created.

Based on this behavior all members for a consistency group usually have the same number of snapshot images. However, when a new member is added to a consistency group, that new member lacks the snapshot images that were previously created on the established members of the consistency group. The is lack of snapshot images is not considered an error condition. Ensuing requests for deletion or rollback of snapshot images that only exist on a subset of the consistency group members will only affect the members for which the specified snapshot images actually exists.

Command reference 83 Auto delete You can configure each snapshot group to automaticaly delete its snapshot images to keep the total number of snapshot images in the snapshot group at or below a maximum number of images.

When the number of snapshot images in the snapshot group is at the maximum limit, the autoDeleteLimit parameter automaticly deletes snapshot images whenever a new snapshot image is created in the snapshot group. The autoDeleteLimit parameter deletes the oldest snapshot images in the snapshot group until the maximum number of images defined with the parameter is met. This has the effect of freeing repository capacity so it can be used to satisfy ongoing copy-onwrite requirements for the remaining snapshot images.

Scheduling snapshot images in a consistency group The enableSchedule parameter and the schedule parameter provide a way for you to schedule automatic snapshots legacy. Using these parameters, you can schedule snapshots daily, weekly, or monthly by day or by date. The enableSchedule parameter turns on or turns off the ability to schedule snapshots.

When you enable scheduling, you use the schedule parameter to define when you want the snapshots to occur. If you do not provide a start date, the current date is used.

You can enter these values: monday , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday , saturday , sunday , and all. Use a hour clock. For example, in the afternoon is You can create a schedule in which you have overlapping copyon-write operations because of the duration of a copy operation. You can make sure that you have time between copy-on-write operations by using this option. This functionality enables secondary servers to access a writable suspended version of the data for a variety of applications, including backup, file restoration, application testing or development, information analysis, and data mining.

For better reliability and availability, DDP significantly lowers data exposure during drive failure. It reconstructs data much faster, while protecting performance. Drive failures or additions become non-events. Data Assurance provides data integrity checking from the controller level to the spindle. Full Disk Encryption services provide comprehensive security for data at rest without affecting storage system performance or ease of use. The native key management system saves the expense and complexity of an external key manager.

Drive-based AES encryption compliant with FIPS level 2 using validated drives provides data security in case of drive theft, routine defective drive servicing, or repurposing of drives. Physical hardware. The SSD Cache provides intelligent caching capability to identify and host the most frequently accessed blocks of data and leverages the superior performance and lower latency of solid-state drives SSDs.

This caching approach works in real time and in a data-driven fashion, with no complicated policies to manage the triggering of data movement between tiers. Thin provisioning delivers significant savings by separating the internal allocation of storage from the external allocation reported to hosts.

In essence, unallocated storage is shared across numerous volumes to drastically reduce the amount of total storage capacity because of overprovisioning for unknown usage. AutoSupport enhances customer service, speeds problem resolution, and helps prevent issues.

AutoSupport automatically sends alerts based on either event-based or time-based weekly, daily, other criteria to provide faster and better customer service, keeping your systems up and running longer.

Built into the SANtricity OS are enterprise features that help ensure the protection of your data, including:. It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser.

No biggie Toggle navigation. Get a Quote. Leverage proven, reliable enterprise storage-nearly 1M units installed. Simplify administration and improve data protection with Dynamic Disk Pools.

Improve data security with support for FIPS-compliant drives. Features: Intuitive GUI Blending robust functionality and ease of use, SANtricity Storage Manager is well suited for full-time storage administrators who want complete control over their storage configuration.

Online Administration No Scheduled Downtime With the SANtricity operating system, you can perform all of your management tasks while the storage remains online, with complete read and write data access. These online capabilities include the following: Dynamic Disk Pools DDP greatly simplify traditional storage management with no idle spares to manage or reconfigure when drives are added or fail.

This capability enables automatically configuring, expanding, and scaling storage. Dynamic capacity expansion and reduction for DDP enable you to add or remove up to 12 drives at a time for a pool.

The pool dynamically rebalances to adjust for these drive count changes with no requirement for parity recalculation. The migration operation supports RAID levels 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, and Dynamic physical and logical expansion enables administrators to add new drive modules, configure volume groups, and create volumes without disrupting access to existing data. Dynamic capacity expansion for volume groups allows the addition of up to two drives at a time to an existing volume group.

This capability introduces free capacity for volume creation or expansion and improves the performance of the volumes that reside on that volume group. Dynamic volume expansion DVE enables administrators to expand the capacity of an existing volume by using the free capacity within the volume group or DDP.

DVE redistributes or rebalances for maximum performance and utilization. Dynamic segment-size migration enables administrators to change the segment size of a given volume. This capability is critical when your new application release changes segment size. Nondisruptive controller firmware and drive firmware upgrades mean no scheduled downtime.

The performance monitor provides graphical displays to finetune and optimize system performance. Simple volume creation Configuration Flexibility Every environment is different, with varying priorities for performance, data availability, and capacity utilization. Data Protection SANtricity operating system complete data protection technologies include such functionality as volume copy, snapshot and writable views, mirroring, replication, and Data Assurance TPI for data integrity.

Efficient Storage Provisioning Thin provisioning delivers significant savings by separating the internal allocation of storage from the external allocation reported to hosts.

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